Το Α' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 694
Το Β' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 695
Το Γ' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 696
Το E' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 1417
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKnqVUzR81k
Eric Hansen und die Colombions
Buona Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γερμανικοί Στίχοι:
(German Version 1958)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvp97227m2M
Emil Ford & The Checkmates
Buona Sera
Jive Collectors by DJ" Doctor D" Dan
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbxan40Fwa8
Luigi Carini
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGlWWbqJScE
Swingle Kings
Buonasera Signorina
live a Solomeo (PG), 26/07/2008
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWJizg7ssT4
Buona sera
Original 1984 PDU
Digitally Remastered 2001 EMI
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCCQwbtT0IQ
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gtboyAkCZE
Orchestra Mancina a Tenuta Odegitria
Buonasera Signorina
In occasione della rassegna "Sere d'estate" 2013 a Tenuta Odegitria (Martina Franca), l'Orchestra Mancina apre il suo concerto
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzrjxzzAQSU
Sascha Klaar
Buona Sera / Oh, Marie
23. Dürener Jazztage 2013 im Garten der Commerzbank
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpJGC4dsUOc
Jive Aces
Buena Sera
One New Change, City of London Festival, 14 July 2013
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkcGnplajFY
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUrC8HFY33s
Paolo Nutini
Buona Sera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-tMZTXMbjI
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auTPS2cDfPU
Italian Gang Star
Buonasera Signorina
(Remix 2k11 - Radio Edit) - Igor Pezzi - Karmine Emme Dj - Gardenia Records
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htissNGv5_E
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γαλλιικοί Στίχοι:
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuFiogUPWcU
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy5Kmo5pUWk
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxBW0KAe8i8
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtPxrfS4I1Q
Ray Gelato and the Giants
Buona Sera
Live at Orvieto Winter Jazz 2001
The Godfather of Swing Ray Gelato & his band the Giants performed this Louis Prima classic to a packed crowd at Hideaway in Streatham, South London (Saturday 23rd March, 2013).
Ray Gelato - Lead vocals and tenor sax
Danny Marsden - Trumpet
Andy Rogers - Trombone
Olly Wilby - Saxes
Gunther Kurmayr - Piano
Oli Hayhurst - Double Bass
Seb De Krom - Drums
live at Jazz on Costiera Amalfitana (Italy) - 03.08.2007
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzx_zcdR5yc
Line Renaud
Buona sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γαλλιικοί Στίχοι: Louis Gasté
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnlDVWjt_Bc
Line Renaud
Buona sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ισπανιικοί Στίχοι:
1958 Ισπανικά & Γαλλικά
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUD4zY-yW9c
Buona sera signorina
Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Quante cose abbiamo detto sospirando
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight
Buenas tardes Sr.ta buenas tardes
como es bonito estar a Nápoles y soñar
mientras en el cielo parece decir
Buenas tardes
la vieja luna que sobre el Mediterráneo aparece
Cada día nos encontramos caminando
dónde parece que la montaña baje a mar
Cuánto cosas hemos dicho suspirando
en aquel rincón más bonito del mundo
Cuántas veces he susurrado
¡amor te quiero!
Buenas tardes Sr.ta
Béseme buenas noches
Buenas tardes Sr.ta
Bonsoir mademoiselle bonsoir
comme il est beau d'être à Naples et rêver
pendant que le ciel semble dire bonsoir
la vieille lune qui sur la Méditerranée il apparaît
Chaque jour nous nous rencontrons en marchant
où il semble que la montagne descende sur la mer
Combien de choses nous avons dit en soupirant
dans cet angle plus beau du monde
mon amour je t'aime
Bonsoir mademoiselle
Ambrasse moi cette nuit
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajhB23xF2_k
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwYpJxvjiQk
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT6MAAWpHVg
Patrizio Buanne
Buona sera signorina
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γερμανικοί Στίχοι:
in Germany 2012 - Fernsehgarten 29.7.12
in Austria 2012-Starnacht am Woerthersee, 14.July 2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlOJaSV-w5U
Curt Haagers
Buona Sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0S4QnJs6ek
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SoN5N1rL20
Kitty, Daisy & Lewis
Buona Sera
30.08.2009, Live @ Folklore 009, Schlachthof, Wiesbaden
at the Notting Hill Arts Club, New Year's Day, 2007.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBE4ft-x_ro
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bejbf2tFjc
Eino Virtanen
Buona sera signorina
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Φιλλανδικοί Στίχοι:
1958 (Buona Sera)
Elokuvasta Suuri sävelparaati (1959). Ohjaus: Jack Witikka
Eino Virtanen (10. joulukuuta 1925 Helsinki -- 26. marraskuuta 1999 Helsinki) oli suomalainen laulaja, säveltäjä, sovittaja ja trumpetisti. Hän teki paljon duolevytyksiä Brita Koivusen kanssa. Virtanen myös antoi äänensä Pikkuoraville "Saukki ja Pikkuoravat" -levytyksissä ja esiintyi muutamassa elokuvassa omana itsenään.
Kappale: Buona sera signorina
Alkuperäinen nimi: Buona sera
Säveltäjä: De Rose Peter - Sigman Carl
Alkuperäiset sanat: De Rose Peter - Sigman Carl
Kääntäjä: Puhtila Sauvo
Elokuvasta Suuri sävelparaati v. 1959
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erbA8qtDheI
rocco granata
buona sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0MMebTOZdg
Ragazzi di Ipanema
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6UhgtaycWw
Phil & John
Buona sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLJd57_Tt2Q
Buona Sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E364RN9LeDE
Thomascow McMullan
Buona Sera
cover Louis Prima (December 7, 1910 -- August 24, 1978
D# A# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, buona sera G#
It is time to say goodnight to Napoli
Though it's hard for us to whisper, "Buona sera" D#
With that old moon above the Mediterranean Sea
In the mornin', signorina, we'll go walkin' G#
Where the mountains help the sun come into sight G#m D#
And by the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger A# D#
While I buy a wedding ring for your finger
D# D#7 G#
In the meantime let me tell you that I love you D# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight
Doot-doo-wah, doot-doot-doo-wah...
Buona sera, signorina, buona sera G#
It is time to say goodnight to Napoli
Though it's hard for us to whisper, "Buona sera" D#
With that old moon above the Mediterranean Sea
In the mornin', signorina, we'll go walkin' G#
Where the mountains help the sun come into sight G#m D#
And by the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger A# D#
While I buy a wedding ring for your finger
D# D#7 G#
In the meantime let me tell you that I love you D# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight
D# A# D# G# G#m D#
While the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger A# D#
While I buy a wedding ring for your finger
D# D#7 G#
In the meantime let me tell you that I love you D# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight G# A# D#
Mmmm-sera, signoria, kiss me goodnight
D# D#m D# A# D#
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM99O8pUKjI
The Roaring Zucchinis
Buona Sera
Recorded Live Munich 2007
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVm6TrODxcg
Marco Nodari
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1vFq8EbfZ8
L'orchestra nuiorchese soleluna
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYjuvK9eklw
Big Night Jive
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CICVAYTr2WQ
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9aMoVGVrOs
The Rocking Maniacs
Buona Sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnK4DFQSbYA
Mauro Ottolini Stefano Bollani Dottor Djembe Mirko Guerrini
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7iigEGeizk
Buonasera signorina
Dal concerto per l'Accademia Ticinese di Musica del 28 agosto 2008 in Piazza Grande a Locarno.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxbVzay417o
buona sera signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUc1PAsdT3Q
swing orchestra
buonasera signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhUav9t3IpY
Fats & his Cats
Buona Sera
Live im Schlachthof Frankfurt/Main 1989
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo7uPqwfErU
Wilma Orietti
Buona sera signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu00sPnAJ7Q
Buonasera signorina
(live from Courmayeur)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LztgSb8X--4
Ottavio De Stefano
Buonasera Signorina
Catania 06/10/12
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDOTcbLrmOU
Jazz Connection
Buona Sera
at Westerham Golf Club, April 19, 2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4zO5837Nqo
Lari und Fari
Buona Sera Signorina
Das Duo Lari und Fari aus München. Lari & Fari alias Alexandra + Bertl
ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ στην ανάρτηση Νο 1417
Το Α' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 694
Το Β' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 695
Το Γ' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 696
Το E' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 1417
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKnqVUzR81k
Eric Hansen und die Colombions
Buona Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γερμανικοί Στίχοι:

(German Version 1958)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvp97227m2M
Emil Ford & The Checkmates
Buona Sera

Jive Collectors by DJ" Doctor D" Dan
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbxan40Fwa8
Luigi Carini
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGlWWbqJScE
Swingle Kings
Buonasera Signorina

live a Solomeo (PG), 26/07/2008
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWJizg7ssT4
Buona sera

Original 1984 PDU
Digitally Remastered 2001 EMI
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCCQwbtT0IQ

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gtboyAkCZE
Orchestra Mancina a Tenuta Odegitria
Buonasera Signorina

In occasione della rassegna "Sere d'estate" 2013 a Tenuta Odegitria (Martina Franca), l'Orchestra Mancina apre il suo concerto
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzrjxzzAQSU
Sascha Klaar
Buona Sera / Oh, Marie

23. Dürener Jazztage 2013 im Garten der Commerzbank
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpJGC4dsUOc
Jive Aces
Buena Sera

One New Change, City of London Festival, 14 July 2013
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkcGnplajFY
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUrC8HFY33s
Paolo Nutini
Buona Sera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-tMZTXMbjI
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auTPS2cDfPU
Italian Gang Star
Buonasera Signorina

(Remix 2k11 - Radio Edit) - Igor Pezzi - Karmine Emme Dj - Gardenia Records

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htissNGv5_E
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γαλλιικοί Στίχοι:

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuFiogUPWcU
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy5Kmo5pUWk
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxBW0KAe8i8
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtPxrfS4I1Q
Ray Gelato and the Giants
Buona Sera

Live at Orvieto Winter Jazz 2001

The Godfather of Swing Ray Gelato & his band the Giants performed this Louis Prima classic to a packed crowd at Hideaway in Streatham, South London (Saturday 23rd March, 2013).
Ray Gelato - Lead vocals and tenor sax
Danny Marsden - Trumpet
Andy Rogers - Trombone
Olly Wilby - Saxes
Gunther Kurmayr - Piano
Oli Hayhurst - Double Bass
Seb De Krom - Drums

live at Jazz on Costiera Amalfitana (Italy) - 03.08.2007
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzx_zcdR5yc
Line Renaud
Buona sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γαλλιικοί Στίχοι: Louis Gasté

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnlDVWjt_Bc
Line Renaud
Buona sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ισπανιικοί Στίχοι:

1958 Ισπανικά & Γαλλικά
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUD4zY-yW9c
Buona sera signorina

Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Quante cose abbiamo detto sospirando
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight
Buenas tardes Sr.ta buenas tardes
como es bonito estar a Nápoles y soñar
mientras en el cielo parece decir
Buenas tardes
la vieja luna que sobre el Mediterráneo aparece
Cada día nos encontramos caminando
dónde parece que la montaña baje a mar
Cuánto cosas hemos dicho suspirando
en aquel rincón más bonito del mundo
Cuántas veces he susurrado
¡amor te quiero!
Buenas tardes Sr.ta
Béseme buenas noches
Buenas tardes Sr.ta
Bonsoir mademoiselle bonsoir
comme il est beau d'être à Naples et rêver
pendant que le ciel semble dire bonsoir
la vieille lune qui sur la Méditerranée il apparaît
Chaque jour nous nous rencontrons en marchant
où il semble que la montagne descende sur la mer
Combien de choses nous avons dit en soupirant
dans cet angle plus beau du monde
mon amour je t'aime
Bonsoir mademoiselle
Ambrasse moi cette nuit
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajhB23xF2_k
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwYpJxvjiQk
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT6MAAWpHVg
Patrizio Buanne
Buona sera signorina
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γερμανικοί Στίχοι:

in Germany 2012 - Fernsehgarten 29.7.12

in Austria 2012-Starnacht am Woerthersee, 14.July 2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlOJaSV-w5U
Curt Haagers
Buona Sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0S4QnJs6ek
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SoN5N1rL20
Kitty, Daisy & Lewis
Buona Sera

30.08.2009, Live @ Folklore 009, Schlachthof, Wiesbaden

at the Notting Hill Arts Club, New Year's Day, 2007.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBE4ft-x_ro
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bejbf2tFjc
Eino Virtanen
Buona sera signorina
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Φιλλανδικοί Στίχοι:

1958 (Buona Sera)
Elokuvasta Suuri sävelparaati (1959). Ohjaus: Jack Witikka
Eino Virtanen (10. joulukuuta 1925 Helsinki -- 26. marraskuuta 1999 Helsinki) oli suomalainen laulaja, säveltäjä, sovittaja ja trumpetisti. Hän teki paljon duolevytyksiä Brita Koivusen kanssa. Virtanen myös antoi äänensä Pikkuoraville "Saukki ja Pikkuoravat" -levytyksissä ja esiintyi muutamassa elokuvassa omana itsenään.
Kappale: Buona sera signorina
Alkuperäinen nimi: Buona sera
Säveltäjä: De Rose Peter - Sigman Carl
Alkuperäiset sanat: De Rose Peter - Sigman Carl
Kääntäjä: Puhtila Sauvo

Elokuvasta Suuri sävelparaati v. 1959
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erbA8qtDheI
rocco granata
buona sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0MMebTOZdg
Ragazzi di Ipanema
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6UhgtaycWw
Phil & John
Buona sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLJd57_Tt2Q
Buona Sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E364RN9LeDE
Thomascow McMullan
Buona Sera

cover Louis Prima (December 7, 1910 -- August 24, 1978
D# A# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, buona sera G#
It is time to say goodnight to Napoli
Though it's hard for us to whisper, "Buona sera" D#
With that old moon above the Mediterranean Sea
In the mornin', signorina, we'll go walkin' G#
Where the mountains help the sun come into sight G#m D#
And by the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger A# D#
While I buy a wedding ring for your finger
D# D#7 G#
In the meantime let me tell you that I love you D# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight
Doot-doo-wah, doot-doot-doo-wah...
Buona sera, signorina, buona sera G#
It is time to say goodnight to Napoli
Though it's hard for us to whisper, "Buona sera" D#
With that old moon above the Mediterranean Sea
In the mornin', signorina, we'll go walkin' G#
Where the mountains help the sun come into sight G#m D#
And by the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger A# D#
While I buy a wedding ring for your finger
D# D#7 G#
In the meantime let me tell you that I love you D# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight
D# A# D# G# G#m D#
While the little jewelry shop we'll stop and linger A# D#
While I buy a wedding ring for your finger
D# D#7 G#
In the meantime let me tell you that I love you D# A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight A# D#
Buona sera, signorina, kiss me goodnight G# A# D#
Mmmm-sera, signoria, kiss me goodnight
D# D#m D# A# D#
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM99O8pUKjI
The Roaring Zucchinis
Buona Sera

Recorded Live Munich 2007
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVm6TrODxcg
Marco Nodari
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1vFq8EbfZ8
L'orchestra nuiorchese soleluna
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYjuvK9eklw
Big Night Jive
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CICVAYTr2WQ
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9aMoVGVrOs
The Rocking Maniacs
Buona Sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnK4DFQSbYA
Mauro Ottolini Stefano Bollani Dottor Djembe Mirko Guerrini
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7iigEGeizk
Buonasera signorina

Dal concerto per l'Accademia Ticinese di Musica del 28 agosto 2008 in Piazza Grande a Locarno.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxbVzay417o
buona sera signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUc1PAsdT3Q
swing orchestra
buonasera signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhUav9t3IpY
Fats & his Cats
Buona Sera

Live im Schlachthof Frankfurt/Main 1989
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo7uPqwfErU
Wilma Orietti
Buona sera signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu00sPnAJ7Q
Buonasera signorina

(live from Courmayeur)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LztgSb8X--4
Ottavio De Stefano
Buonasera Signorina

Catania 06/10/12
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDOTcbLrmOU
Jazz Connection
Buona Sera

at Westerham Golf Club, April 19, 2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4zO5837Nqo
Lari und Fari
Buona Sera Signorina

Das Duo Lari und Fari aus München. Lari & Fari alias Alexandra + Bertl
ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ στην ανάρτηση Νο 1417
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