Το Α' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 694
Το Β' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 695
Το Δ' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 697
Το E' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 1417
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJPAs9-upbY
Dario Moreno
Buona Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ισπανικοί Στίχοι:
Darío Moreno (3 April 1921 -- 1 December 1968) attained fame and made a remarkable career centered in France which also included films, during the 1950s and the 1960s.
He was a Turkish polyglot singer of Jewish origin, as well as an accomplished composer, lyricist and guitarist. He made a remarkable career in France
His real name was David Arugete and he was born in the poorer Jewish quarter of İzmir to a large family. He was orphaned in early childhood when his father, who worked in a train station in the city, was shot dead under tragic circumstances. He was placed in the Sephardic orphanage of İzmir (Nido De Guerfanos[1]) by his mother and remained there until he was four.
After a primary education in the Jewish educational establishments of İzmir, he did many odd jobs during his early youth. But he has also put great effort into improving his education at the same time while working to make a living, and having started as an errand boy in the cabinet of one of the city's prominent lawyers, he was in time raised to becoming a clerk in his office. In the evenings, he would study French in İzmir's Central Library. With a guitar that had fallen into his hands by chance, he also learned, mainly on his own with occasional tutoring asked here and there, to master playing that instrument.
He started singing in the Bar Mitzva feasts as a secondary occupation. In his early twenties, he had already become a well-known singer in İzmir, and particularly among the Jewish community. During his military service in the Turkish Army, he was employed as a singer in officers' quarters in various garrisons and became more focused on music. His first truly professional musical performance started in his hometown right after his discharge, through connections established while under the arms. Since he had started making money thanks to music, he moved to the better-off Jewish quarter of Karataş to a house in a street leading to the historical building of Asansör, one of the city's landmarks (and which means, literally, the "Elevator", people taking an actual elevator to go to the higher part of the quarter, this part being separated by the coastal strait with a steep slope). This street is named Dario Moreno Sokağı (Dario Moreno Street) today in his memory.
A hyperactive personality, Darío Moreno died of a heart attack in a taxi while going to the airport in Istanbul on 1 December 1968. He was only 47. He was buried in Holon, Israel, by his mother Madam Roza
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kmmOYabhCI
Buonasera signorina
at Columbus Bar 30.11.2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaqFnpY-1rg
Ernesto Schinella
Buonasera signorina
ESS - Ernesto Schinella Suite
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EZa2O_TBeQ
Maria Candido et Paul Durand et son orchestre
Buena Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γαλλικοί Στίχοι:
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHIDSjNKLeQ
Johnny Roman
Buona sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_3iqtzxU3k
Strike Rockabilly Band
Buonasera Signorina
(Salvo Lissandrello: Voce, Rocco Boccadifuoco: Chitarra, Peppe Gallaro: Contrabbasso, Peppe Burrafato: Batteria)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41ZCgehWTXg
Jazz Connection - Breda
Buona Sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHFmFXcDFJg
Buona Sera
Super-Gig am Luzerner Fest 2010, (in Luzern 2010)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir1jIqAMeq0
Jussi & The Boys
Buona Sera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tIe4LIY4Mc
Jerry Williams
Buona sera
The Farewell Show
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no1HGH8X4N4
Vladislav Group
Buona sera
On a summer evening in Shkodra. Vladislav Group and Indrit Kodraliu in Sax. 24.08.2010
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8K0taU_9Vg
I Buscaja
Buona sera signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=719hCuOJx2E
Electro SwingThing
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXQwx4UGZLk
Vik and the doctors of Jive
Buonasera signorina
(P) & (C) G records Gallotti Domenico Ed. Mus
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM2iDSKwCyk
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVo_fTilEuY
Buona Sera
at 120th anniversary festival of the Freies Gymnasium Basel, which took place on the 20th and the 21st of November 2009. The members of band are "Mr. President" Joaquin Martinez (second lead singer), Beat "El" Wyss (saxophonist and first lead singer), David Probst (pianist and third lead singer), Renato Nanni (bassist), Andrea Gentsch (drummer), Beatrice Eha & Kathrin Hunziker (background vocals). Beat "El" Wyss is the founder of THE STARBAND.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2a46U21I6M
Spaghetti Style
buona sera signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Z93lEu_og
Magyar Gábor
Buona Sera Signorina
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ουγγρικοί Στίχοι:
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hExofI2Cxm8
Buonasera Signorina
Basi Musicali Karaoke - (Remix MamboFox)
Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Quante cose abbiamo detto sospirando
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight...
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqP5j43BAv0
Buona Sera
with Tom Carney Band
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB6I8DSwPUs
Buena Sera
Live fra Nyborg Statsfængsel
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0GE-_tYdBk
Big Shampoo & The Hairstylers
Buona Sera
in de originele formatie LIVE tijdens regiofinale clash of the coverbands in poppodium 013, Tilburg.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUvhFROeQZM
Grand Dominion Jazz Band
Buona Sera
on November 27, 2010 at the 31st Annual Thanksgiving Dixieland Jazz Festival in San Diego CA.
Musicians are: Bob Pelland, piano; Clint Baker, trumpet; Jim Armstrong, trombone, vocal; Gerry Green, reeds; Bill Dixon, banjo; Mike Fay, bass; and Jeff Hamilton, drums.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0Z7Cox6EI4
mcs musica mayo
buona sera signorina
2009, balleto internazionale y Ernesto Ara y Julia
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEcYhdYrORs
Four For Band
Buona sera
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-BUfH-5cFI
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-30d8utWKkc
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztyiil9jV0c
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4u-SRi71pw
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awZl3gg2yi0
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjZx5VPnepQ
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37nhzWMH4qs
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ιταλικοί Στίχοι: Giuseppe Perotti
Brano originale del 1958.
Brano cantato da Adriano Celentano con i Rockers di Eraldo Volontè
(Album Azzurro)
Da "Peppermint twist" - 1962
Buona sera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
buona sera
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna
che sul Mediterraneo appar.
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
good night!
Brano originale del 1958
Brano cantato da Adriano Celentano con i Rockers di Eraldo Volontè
Buona sera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
buona sera
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna
che sul Mediterraneo appar.
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
good night!
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqzWHsB5k6U
F. Paradise
Buona sera signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhVW6o25H-A
Andrea Alberghi
Buona Sera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16xadGr9Ch0
John Spencer
Buona Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ολλανδικοί Στίχοι:
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7beUA1-RKw
Udo Pohlmann
Buona Sera
Live in Festival HarmonicAMIS 2012, à l'Espace la Tour Carrée de Domancy Haute Savoie le Dimanche 10 Juin 2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FK0ZSbsrfw
Jan Jankeje Trio
Buona Sera, Signorina
JazzAscona 2009
Jan Jankeje- Bass/Bandleader
Franta Havlicek- Sax/Vokal/Klarinet
Mirek Klimes- Banjo
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jiiz9beR9Ls
Louis Prima Jr.
Fremont Street Experience
Buona Sera
live in Las Vegas 12/7/10
Louis Primas' 100th Birthday! w/Sarah Spiegel
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJOBoN0V9-c
Festkonzert in Fügen
Bona Sera
Konzert in der Festhalle Fügen (Tirol, Österreich)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wo3-RXIsdY
buona sera signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n4TNlgWnRc
Ivo Linna
Buona sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, ?ικοί Στίχοι: Heldur Karmo
В современных ритмах 1986
Buona sera, signorina, buona sera!
Üle Napoli on taevas tähti täis.
Ma sosistan sull' õrnalt "buona sera",
sest uinund Vahemerd kuu suudlemas juba käib.
...Hommikutunnil, signorina, näeme jälle
siis, kui mägiharjul päike koitma lööb.
Ning mööda ärisid me jalutame ringi --
kuldse sõrmuse ma sull' homme kingin...
Aga praegu ütlen vaid, et oled kallis,
:,: buona sera, signorina, veelkord: hääd ööd! :,:
HK 1958
-- Buona sera, signorina, buona sera!
Üle Napoli on taeva tõusnud kuu.
Pole kerge praegu öelda "buona sera",
sest silmad tähti täis
ja suudlust on ootamas suu.
Kuid eks homme taas siinsamas kokku saame,
kui vaid päike mere kohal koitma lööb --
me terve pika päeva jälle käime ringi,
kuldse sõrmuse ma siis sulle kingin...
Aga praegu ütlen vaid, et oled kallis,
:,: buona sera, signorina, soovin head ööd!" :,:
HK 1985
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5t7M5feHDk
County Dye
Buonasera Signorina
(Paolo Barbato aka PB Remix)
Label: M.O.D.A. - Music Fashion
Catalogue N.: MDD356
Release Date: 2011-05-20
Artist: County Dye
Title: Buonasera Signorina
Version: Paolo Barbato aka PB Remix
Authors: Peter De Rose, Carl Sigman, Giuseppe Perotti
Publishers: Copyright Control
(P) Copyright: 2011 M.O.D.A. - Music Fashion
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2E9oRsxoTQ
Buonasera Signorina
Doni Antonelli (tromba)
Alessandro Binetti (piano)
Paolo Debenedetto (sax)
Franco Angiulo (trombone)
Maddalena Malerba (cantante)
Gianluca Fraccalvieri (basso)
Fabio Delle Foglie (batteria)
Dino Plasmati (chitarra)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--9dnZDcvfM
Buonasera Signorina & Hey Mary
live at Fonclea Roma
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXUxyUR7Jqs
Die Jungen Tenöre
Buona Sera
The Young Tenors
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzxslnEPxws
Gianluca Militello
Buona sera signorina
Esibizione al Domani Festival andata in onda in tv su Antenna Sicilia
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83tTF5NX0Dg
Olavi Virta
Buona Sera, Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTbkQPXfMDo
Silver Trio
Buonasera Signorina
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQmL6vRkGnw
Abbi Hübner's Low Down Wizards Auftritt
Buona Sera Signorina
im Elbeforum in Brunsbüttel am 07.Februar 2010
mit dem wunderbaren Stück "Buona Sera Signorina " beim Superfest der Jazzstars
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1JYt62gRck
Daita Danilo
Buonasera Signorina
ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ στην ανάρτηση Νο 697
Το Α' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 694
Το Β' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 695
Το Δ' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 697
Το E' ΜΕΡΟΣ στην Ανάρτηση Νο 1417
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJPAs9-upbY
Dario Moreno
Buona Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ισπανικοί Στίχοι:

Darío Moreno (3 April 1921 -- 1 December 1968) attained fame and made a remarkable career centered in France which also included films, during the 1950s and the 1960s.
He was a Turkish polyglot singer of Jewish origin, as well as an accomplished composer, lyricist and guitarist. He made a remarkable career in France
His real name was David Arugete and he was born in the poorer Jewish quarter of İzmir to a large family. He was orphaned in early childhood when his father, who worked in a train station in the city, was shot dead under tragic circumstances. He was placed in the Sephardic orphanage of İzmir (Nido De Guerfanos[1]) by his mother and remained there until he was four.
After a primary education in the Jewish educational establishments of İzmir, he did many odd jobs during his early youth. But he has also put great effort into improving his education at the same time while working to make a living, and having started as an errand boy in the cabinet of one of the city's prominent lawyers, he was in time raised to becoming a clerk in his office. In the evenings, he would study French in İzmir's Central Library. With a guitar that had fallen into his hands by chance, he also learned, mainly on his own with occasional tutoring asked here and there, to master playing that instrument.
He started singing in the Bar Mitzva feasts as a secondary occupation. In his early twenties, he had already become a well-known singer in İzmir, and particularly among the Jewish community. During his military service in the Turkish Army, he was employed as a singer in officers' quarters in various garrisons and became more focused on music. His first truly professional musical performance started in his hometown right after his discharge, through connections established while under the arms. Since he had started making money thanks to music, he moved to the better-off Jewish quarter of Karataş to a house in a street leading to the historical building of Asansör, one of the city's landmarks (and which means, literally, the "Elevator", people taking an actual elevator to go to the higher part of the quarter, this part being separated by the coastal strait with a steep slope). This street is named Dario Moreno Sokağı (Dario Moreno Street) today in his memory.
A hyperactive personality, Darío Moreno died of a heart attack in a taxi while going to the airport in Istanbul on 1 December 1968. He was only 47. He was buried in Holon, Israel, by his mother Madam Roza
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kmmOYabhCI
Buonasera signorina

at Columbus Bar 30.11.2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaqFnpY-1rg
Ernesto Schinella
Buonasera signorina

ESS - Ernesto Schinella Suite
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EZa2O_TBeQ
Maria Candido et Paul Durand et son orchestre
Buena Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Γαλλικοί Στίχοι:

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHIDSjNKLeQ
Johnny Roman
Buona sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_3iqtzxU3k
Strike Rockabilly Band
Buonasera Signorina

(Salvo Lissandrello: Voce, Rocco Boccadifuoco: Chitarra, Peppe Gallaro: Contrabbasso, Peppe Burrafato: Batteria)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41ZCgehWTXg
Jazz Connection - Breda
Buona Sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHFmFXcDFJg
Buona Sera

Super-Gig am Luzerner Fest 2010, (in Luzern 2010)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir1jIqAMeq0
Jussi & The Boys
Buona Sera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tIe4LIY4Mc
Jerry Williams
Buona sera

The Farewell Show
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no1HGH8X4N4
Vladislav Group
Buona sera

On a summer evening in Shkodra. Vladislav Group and Indrit Kodraliu in Sax. 24.08.2010
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8K0taU_9Vg
I Buscaja
Buona sera signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=719hCuOJx2E
Electro SwingThing
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXQwx4UGZLk
Vik and the doctors of Jive
Buonasera signorina

(P) & (C) G records Gallotti Domenico Ed. Mus
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM2iDSKwCyk

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVo_fTilEuY
Buona Sera

at 120th anniversary festival of the Freies Gymnasium Basel, which took place on the 20th and the 21st of November 2009. The members of band are "Mr. President" Joaquin Martinez (second lead singer), Beat "El" Wyss (saxophonist and first lead singer), David Probst (pianist and third lead singer), Renato Nanni (bassist), Andrea Gentsch (drummer), Beatrice Eha & Kathrin Hunziker (background vocals). Beat "El" Wyss is the founder of THE STARBAND.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2a46U21I6M
Spaghetti Style
buona sera signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Z93lEu_og
Magyar Gábor
Buona Sera Signorina
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ουγγρικοί Στίχοι:

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hExofI2Cxm8
Buonasera Signorina

Basi Musicali Karaoke - (Remix MamboFox)
Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina buonasera
come è bello stare a Napoli e sognar
mentre in cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo appar
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato
amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina
kiss me goodnight
Quante cose abbiamo detto sospirando
in quell'angolo più bello del mondo
Quante volte ho sussurrato amore t'amo!
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight
Buonasera signorina kiss me goodnight...
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqP5j43BAv0
Buona Sera

with Tom Carney Band
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB6I8DSwPUs
Buena Sera

Live fra Nyborg Statsfængsel
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0GE-_tYdBk
Big Shampoo & The Hairstylers
Buona Sera

in de originele formatie LIVE tijdens regiofinale clash of the coverbands in poppodium 013, Tilburg.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUvhFROeQZM
Grand Dominion Jazz Band
Buona Sera

on November 27, 2010 at the 31st Annual Thanksgiving Dixieland Jazz Festival in San Diego CA.
Musicians are: Bob Pelland, piano; Clint Baker, trumpet; Jim Armstrong, trombone, vocal; Gerry Green, reeds; Bill Dixon, banjo; Mike Fay, bass; and Jeff Hamilton, drums.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0Z7Cox6EI4
mcs musica mayo
buona sera signorina

2009, balleto internazionale y Ernesto Ara y Julia
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEcYhdYrORs
Four For Band
Buona sera

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-BUfH-5cFI
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-30d8utWKkc
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztyiil9jV0c
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4u-SRi71pw
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awZl3gg2yi0
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjZx5VPnepQ
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37nhzWMH4qs
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ιταλικοί Στίχοι: Giuseppe Perotti

Brano originale del 1958.
Brano cantato da Adriano Celentano con i Rockers di Eraldo Volontè

(Album Azzurro)

Da "Peppermint twist" - 1962

Buona sera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
buona sera
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna
che sul Mediterraneo appar.
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
good night!

Brano originale del 1958
Brano cantato da Adriano Celentano con i Rockers di Eraldo Volontè

Buona sera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
buona sera
la vecchia luna che
sul Mediterraneo
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
come è bello stare a Napoli
e sognar
mentre il cielo sembra dire
la vecchia luna
che sul Mediterraneo appar.
Ogni giorno c'incontriamo
dove par che la montagna
scenda in mar
Quante cose abbiamo detto
in quell'angolo più bello
del mondo.
Quante volte ho sussurrato,
amore t'amo!
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
Buonasera, signorina,
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
kiss me good night.
good night!
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqzWHsB5k6U
F. Paradise
Buona sera signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhVW6o25H-A
Andrea Alberghi
Buona Sera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16xadGr9Ch0
John Spencer
Buona Sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, Ολλανδικοί Στίχοι:

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7beUA1-RKw
Udo Pohlmann
Buona Sera

Live in Festival HarmonicAMIS 2012, à l'Espace la Tour Carrée de Domancy Haute Savoie le Dimanche 10 Juin 2012
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FK0ZSbsrfw
Jan Jankeje Trio
Buona Sera, Signorina

JazzAscona 2009
Jan Jankeje- Bass/Bandleader
Franta Havlicek- Sax/Vokal/Klarinet
Mirek Klimes- Banjo
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jiiz9beR9Ls
Louis Prima Jr.
Fremont Street Experience
Buona Sera

live in Las Vegas 12/7/10
Louis Primas' 100th Birthday! w/Sarah Spiegel
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJOBoN0V9-c
Festkonzert in Fügen
Bona Sera

Konzert in der Festhalle Fügen (Tirol, Österreich)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wo3-RXIsdY
buona sera signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n4TNlgWnRc
Ivo Linna
Buona sera
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Carl Sigman - Peter De Rose, ?ικοί Στίχοι: Heldur Karmo

В современных ритмах 1986
Buona sera, signorina, buona sera!
Üle Napoli on taevas tähti täis.
Ma sosistan sull' õrnalt "buona sera",
sest uinund Vahemerd kuu suudlemas juba käib.
...Hommikutunnil, signorina, näeme jälle
siis, kui mägiharjul päike koitma lööb.
Ning mööda ärisid me jalutame ringi --
kuldse sõrmuse ma sull' homme kingin...
Aga praegu ütlen vaid, et oled kallis,
:,: buona sera, signorina, veelkord: hääd ööd! :,:
HK 1958
-- Buona sera, signorina, buona sera!
Üle Napoli on taeva tõusnud kuu.
Pole kerge praegu öelda "buona sera",
sest silmad tähti täis
ja suudlust on ootamas suu.
Kuid eks homme taas siinsamas kokku saame,
kui vaid päike mere kohal koitma lööb --
me terve pika päeva jälle käime ringi,
kuldse sõrmuse ma siis sulle kingin...
Aga praegu ütlen vaid, et oled kallis,
:,: buona sera, signorina, soovin head ööd!" :,:
HK 1985
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5t7M5feHDk
County Dye
Buonasera Signorina

(Paolo Barbato aka PB Remix)
Label: M.O.D.A. - Music Fashion
Catalogue N.: MDD356
Release Date: 2011-05-20
Artist: County Dye
Title: Buonasera Signorina
Version: Paolo Barbato aka PB Remix
Authors: Peter De Rose, Carl Sigman, Giuseppe Perotti
Publishers: Copyright Control
(P) Copyright: 2011 M.O.D.A. - Music Fashion
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2E9oRsxoTQ
Buonasera Signorina

Doni Antonelli (tromba)
Alessandro Binetti (piano)
Paolo Debenedetto (sax)
Franco Angiulo (trombone)
Maddalena Malerba (cantante)
Gianluca Fraccalvieri (basso)
Fabio Delle Foglie (batteria)
Dino Plasmati (chitarra)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--9dnZDcvfM
Buonasera Signorina & Hey Mary

live at Fonclea Roma
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXUxyUR7Jqs
Die Jungen Tenöre
Buona Sera

The Young Tenors
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzxslnEPxws
Gianluca Militello
Buona sera signorina

Esibizione al Domani Festival andata in onda in tv su Antenna Sicilia
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83tTF5NX0Dg
Olavi Virta
Buona Sera, Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTbkQPXfMDo
Silver Trio
Buonasera Signorina

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQmL6vRkGnw
Abbi Hübner's Low Down Wizards Auftritt
Buona Sera Signorina

im Elbeforum in Brunsbüttel am 07.Februar 2010
mit dem wunderbaren Stück "Buona Sera Signorina " beim Superfest der Jazzstars
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1JYt62gRck
Daita Danilo
Buonasera Signorina

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