από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlZYGfaT-t8
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjMxQh8cgOw
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAJrG4yYr3I
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A52a0MFD-c
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Dy78X8G64
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQPwowHx3KQ
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze9I9qibJy8
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmpWToyzZzk
Τάκα Τάκα Τα (Taka Taka Ta)
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Paul Mauriat - Joe Dassin, Ελληνικοί Στίχοι: Θανάσης Τσόγκας
Τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα, καρδιά μου πως χτυπάς
Τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα, το ξέρω αγαπάς
Έχεις ερωτευτεί φτωχή καρδιά και το ξέρω
ξέρω ότι πονάς κι όπως χτυπάς υποφέρω
έχεις καημό κρυφό που σε πονάει και σε λιώνει
άλλη σκληρή καρδιά σε τυραννά, σε πληγώνει
Πως κλαις, το ξέρω, κρυφά, μα δεν το λες καρδιά μου
έχεις βαθιά πληγωθεί με μια πληγή που δεν περνά
Ξέχασε την καρδιά που αγαπάς και ζητάει
όταν εσύ πονάς χωρίς ντροπή να γελάει
άλλη καρδιά θα βρεις που θα μπορεί να σε νιώσει
κι όση στοργή ζητάς, χωρίς ψευτιά θα σου δώσει
από την ΑΛΦΑ Τηλεόραση
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13hu6piKNwQ
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Paul Mauriat - Joe Dassin
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrnitIXQmkU
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U46LM0bhwVs
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVIUQU-ZiuE
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjd1TGsuA8g
Taka Taka Ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Pom, kata-pom-pom-pom
Oh how we like the summer
Pa' levantarnos temprano
Ir a la playa solos
Para bañarnos tranquilos
Y si no vamos solos
Nos vamos con to'os los amigos
Nos gusta ver muchos barcos
Ver mucha gente contenta
Y ver a la viejecita sentadita en su puerta
Pom, kata-pom-pom-pom
At the end, a good weather is coming along
Ya se quito el frio viento
Todos ya cantaremos
Y también bailaremos
Y todos estaremos
Ya siempre, siempre contentos
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Pom, kata-pom-pom-pom
Oh how we like the summer
Pa' levantarnos temprano
Ir a la playa solos
Para bañarnos tranquilos
Y si no vamos solos
Nos vamos con to'os los amigos
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBuKzwz7Qg8
Taka Taka Ta
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
La sangria coulait
A la feria de Tolede
La fille qui dansait
M'etait montee a la tete
Quand un banderillo
M'a dit: "L'ami
reste calme
Care au grand torero
Si tu regardes sa femme!"
Mais ell' s'avance vers moi
Et laiss' tomber sa rose
Avec un billet qui propose[
Un rendez-vous a I'ascienda . . .
On s'etait enlace
Sous I'oranger mais la duena
Dont c'etait le metier
Criait vengeance aux arenes
Le matador trompe
Surgit de I'ombre et s'avance
Moisur mon oranger
J'essaie de faire I'orange.
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
L'homme, tu va payer,
Dit-il, voici I'estocade:
Mes picadors sont prets
Et mon ceil noir te regarde!
Et c'est depuis ce jour
Qu'un torero me condamne
A balayer sa cour
Pour I'avoir faite a sa femme.
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PghtHXWZGbE
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAV4sW1JBzA
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McnUNqRnlaw
Taka Taka Ta
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JVQlwVCc6s
Yoel Gonzalez & Cuba Neo
Taka Taka Ta
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp5VMM9JlNs
Kalbim Bir Pusula - (Taka Taka Ta)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3ZN8AXvkVM
The Misailov Neapolitan ensemble
Taka Taka Ta
The Misailov Neapolitan ensemble is a unique orchestra with more than 60 years' history.
The first Neapolitan ensemble was founded in 1946 by Nikolay Dmitrievich Misailov (1899-1976) at the all-USSR Radio Station as its professional ensemble. At that time, N.D. Misailov was working for the A.V. Alexandrov Russian army twice red-bannered academic song and dance ensemble. Several most prominent singers collaborated with the Neapolitan ensemble -- such as Nadezhda Obukhova, Sergey Lemeshev, etc.
During Stalin's campaign against "rootless cosmopolitans" this ensemble was dissolved and N.D. Misailov was retired. In 1957, he was invited to the recreation center of the Bauman Moscow Highest Technical School, where he founded an amateur ensemble and ran it until the end of his life.
The restored Neapolitan ensemble gained the popularity of the professional orchestra it had been named after. It enjoyed a great success and went on numerous tours throughout the country.
In 1976, after Nikolay Dmitrievich Misailov's decease, his son, Eugeny Nikolaevich Misailov (1932-2007) became the leader of the orchestra. His main affiliation was, like his father's, the Alexandrov Russian army academic song and dance ensemble.
Having led the ensemble for more that 30 years, Eugeny Nikolaevich Misailov has enlarged its repertoire with his original instrumentations and musical pieces, and added new groups of instruments to the orchestra.
Since the fall of 2007 the ensemble is headed by Mikhail Podgaysky, who had been its concertmaster and a 1st mandolin player since 1977.
The Neapolitan orchestra is famous for its unique combination of groups of instruments. Beside traditional Neapolitan instruments -- such as mandolins, guitars, accordions -- it includes classic instruments (violins, cellos, contrabass, piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet) and modern instruments typical for pop-music (electric guitar, bass guitar, synthesizer, drum kit).
The repertoire of the ensemble includes compositions of different genres, styles and epochs: it lists classic works, Neapolitan and Spanish songs and instrumental pieces, Russian romance, Soviet and pop-music. During a season, up to 8 concerts are given. The ensemble's concerts usually consist of two parts, each containing 10 instrumental pieces and 16 songs. About 50 musicians take part in each concert, but as for sometimes the ensemble is joined by proficient musicians and soloists, the participants' number approaches 70 people.
In the spring of 2007, the ensemble released its CD-album, consisting of two programs: "Neapolitan and Spanish Songs and Music" and "Old Russian Romance".
The ensemble's main concert venue is the concert hall of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
The orchestra has went on tour abroad three times. In 1993, it went to Braunschweig, Germany, in 2004, it had concerts in Blanes, Spain, and in 2007, it performed in Italy (Caserta -Naples -- Castallamare-di-Stabia). Every time it enjoyed a cordial welcome of the local audience.
The Neapolitan ensemble is frequently given various awards at musical competitions and festivals. With its cast changing, its repertoire being consistently renewed, the ensemble preserves the atmosphere of love to the Music and keeps faithful to its traditions. Over the last 50 years of its history, the Neapolitan ensemble has gained numerous friends and admirers, its performances enjoy a consistent appeal.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOy-VmuMhOw
Taka Taka Ta
en Espanol!
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEQRHFpIU2Y
Neşe Karaböcek
Aşka Saygın Varsa - (Taka Taka Ta)
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlZYGfaT-t8
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjMxQh8cgOw
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAJrG4yYr3I
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A52a0MFD-c
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Dy78X8G64
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQPwowHx3KQ
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze9I9qibJy8
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmpWToyzZzk
Τάκα Τάκα Τα (Taka Taka Ta)
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Paul Mauriat - Joe Dassin, Ελληνικοί Στίχοι: Θανάσης Τσόγκας

Τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα, καρδιά μου πως χτυπάς
Τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα
τάκα τάκα τάκα τα, το ξέρω αγαπάς
Έχεις ερωτευτεί φτωχή καρδιά και το ξέρω
ξέρω ότι πονάς κι όπως χτυπάς υποφέρω
έχεις καημό κρυφό που σε πονάει και σε λιώνει
άλλη σκληρή καρδιά σε τυραννά, σε πληγώνει
Πως κλαις, το ξέρω, κρυφά, μα δεν το λες καρδιά μου
έχεις βαθιά πληγωθεί με μια πληγή που δεν περνά
Ξέχασε την καρδιά που αγαπάς και ζητάει
όταν εσύ πονάς χωρίς ντροπή να γελάει
άλλη καρδιά θα βρεις που θα μπορεί να σε νιώσει
κι όση στοργή ζητάς, χωρίς ψευτιά θα σου δώσει

από την ΑΛΦΑ Τηλεόραση

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13hu6piKNwQ
Μουσική-Στίχοι: Paul Mauriat - Joe Dassin

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrnitIXQmkU
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U46LM0bhwVs
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVIUQU-ZiuE
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjd1TGsuA8g
Taka Taka Ta

Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Pom, kata-pom-pom-pom
Oh how we like the summer
Pa' levantarnos temprano
Ir a la playa solos
Para bañarnos tranquilos
Y si no vamos solos
Nos vamos con to'os los amigos
Nos gusta ver muchos barcos
Ver mucha gente contenta
Y ver a la viejecita sentadita en su puerta
Pom, kata-pom-pom-pom
At the end, a good weather is coming along
Ya se quito el frio viento
Todos ya cantaremos
Y también bailaremos
Y todos estaremos
Ya siempre, siempre contentos
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Pom, kata-pom-pom-pom
Oh how we like the summer
Pa' levantarnos temprano
Ir a la playa solos
Para bañarnos tranquilos
Y si no vamos solos
Nos vamos con to'os los amigos
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta
Takataka, takataka, taka, ta

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBuKzwz7Qg8
Taka Taka Ta

Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
La sangria coulait
A la feria de Tolede
La fille qui dansait
M'etait montee a la tete
Quand un banderillo
M'a dit: "L'ami
reste calme
Care au grand torero
Si tu regardes sa femme!"
Mais ell' s'avance vers moi
Et laiss' tomber sa rose
Avec un billet qui propose[
Un rendez-vous a I'ascienda . . .
On s'etait enlace
Sous I'oranger mais la duena
Dont c'etait le metier
Criait vengeance aux arenes
Le matador trompe
Surgit de I'ombre et s'avance
Moisur mon oranger
J'essaie de faire I'orange.
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
L'homme, tu va payer,
Dit-il, voici I'estocade:
Mes picadors sont prets
Et mon ceil noir te regarde!
Et c'est depuis ce jour
Qu'un torero me condamne
A balayer sa cour
Pour I'avoir faite a sa femme.
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
J'entends mon cceur qui bat
Taka Taka Taka ta . . .Taka Taka Taka ta.... Taka Taka Taka ta
Au rythme de ses pas.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PghtHXWZGbE
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAV4sW1JBzA
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McnUNqRnlaw
Taka Taka Ta


από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JVQlwVCc6s
Yoel Gonzalez & Cuba Neo
Taka Taka Ta

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sp5VMM9JlNs
Kalbim Bir Pusula - (Taka Taka Ta)

από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3ZN8AXvkVM
The Misailov Neapolitan ensemble
Taka Taka Ta

The Misailov Neapolitan ensemble is a unique orchestra with more than 60 years' history.
The first Neapolitan ensemble was founded in 1946 by Nikolay Dmitrievich Misailov (1899-1976) at the all-USSR Radio Station as its professional ensemble. At that time, N.D. Misailov was working for the A.V. Alexandrov Russian army twice red-bannered academic song and dance ensemble. Several most prominent singers collaborated with the Neapolitan ensemble -- such as Nadezhda Obukhova, Sergey Lemeshev, etc.
During Stalin's campaign against "rootless cosmopolitans" this ensemble was dissolved and N.D. Misailov was retired. In 1957, he was invited to the recreation center of the Bauman Moscow Highest Technical School, where he founded an amateur ensemble and ran it until the end of his life.
The restored Neapolitan ensemble gained the popularity of the professional orchestra it had been named after. It enjoyed a great success and went on numerous tours throughout the country.
In 1976, after Nikolay Dmitrievich Misailov's decease, his son, Eugeny Nikolaevich Misailov (1932-2007) became the leader of the orchestra. His main affiliation was, like his father's, the Alexandrov Russian army academic song and dance ensemble.
Having led the ensemble for more that 30 years, Eugeny Nikolaevich Misailov has enlarged its repertoire with his original instrumentations and musical pieces, and added new groups of instruments to the orchestra.
Since the fall of 2007 the ensemble is headed by Mikhail Podgaysky, who had been its concertmaster and a 1st mandolin player since 1977.
The Neapolitan orchestra is famous for its unique combination of groups of instruments. Beside traditional Neapolitan instruments -- such as mandolins, guitars, accordions -- it includes classic instruments (violins, cellos, contrabass, piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet) and modern instruments typical for pop-music (electric guitar, bass guitar, synthesizer, drum kit).
The repertoire of the ensemble includes compositions of different genres, styles and epochs: it lists classic works, Neapolitan and Spanish songs and instrumental pieces, Russian romance, Soviet and pop-music. During a season, up to 8 concerts are given. The ensemble's concerts usually consist of two parts, each containing 10 instrumental pieces and 16 songs. About 50 musicians take part in each concert, but as for sometimes the ensemble is joined by proficient musicians and soloists, the participants' number approaches 70 people.
In the spring of 2007, the ensemble released its CD-album, consisting of two programs: "Neapolitan and Spanish Songs and Music" and "Old Russian Romance".
The ensemble's main concert venue is the concert hall of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
The orchestra has went on tour abroad three times. In 1993, it went to Braunschweig, Germany, in 2004, it had concerts in Blanes, Spain, and in 2007, it performed in Italy (Caserta -Naples -- Castallamare-di-Stabia). Every time it enjoyed a cordial welcome of the local audience.
The Neapolitan ensemble is frequently given various awards at musical competitions and festivals. With its cast changing, its repertoire being consistently renewed, the ensemble preserves the atmosphere of love to the Music and keeps faithful to its traditions. Over the last 50 years of its history, the Neapolitan ensemble has gained numerous friends and admirers, its performances enjoy a consistent appeal.
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOy-VmuMhOw
Taka Taka Ta

en Espanol!
από http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEQRHFpIU2Y
Neşe Karaböcek
Aşka Saygın Varsa - (Taka Taka Ta)

tin proth fora pou to akousa imoun stin ellada then mporousa na pistwpsw sta aftia mou . tin magali epitixia isws tha eprepe egw na lipo gia na grafti. lipon taka taka taka ta have fun world.